Nicole Foss Lecture


nicole foss

KBOO is a proud sponsor for Nicole Foss's lecture.

When: June 6th

Where: Multnomah Friends Meeting House @ 4312 SE Stark

She is one of a pair of authors who maintain a website called The Automatic Earth (abbreviated TAE, ).  Although nominally a financial news aggregation site, the mission of TAE is to help ordinary people understand the financial news in such a way that they can make meaningful, informed decisions about their financial resources.  The site has always been free, and it runs strictly as a labor of love funded by donations.  Likewise, Nicole travels about half of the year, making free presentations in cities around the world; she presents a comprehensive overview of the state of the world of finance and energy, and she has been quite accurate in forecasting the broad outlines of our financial system's troubles going back to 2007.

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