8/18 KBOO in the Park


Photo by Cafemama, aka Sarah Gilbert
Mondo Croquet
Mondo Croquet
8/18 KBOO in the Park - Mt Scott Park, that is, from 12 noon to 4pm

The KBOO Board of Directors invite you to KBOO in the Park

When Saturday, August 18, 2012 from 12 noon to 4pm
Where Mt Scott Park, 5530 SE 72nd Ave at Harold Street, Portland
Why Enjoy a Portland summer afternoon with friends and fellow radio activists; meet and greet Board Candidates; play Mondo Croquet; and enjoy acoustic music
Bring BYOB; an acoustic instrument for a jam session; frisbees; sunblock (we are optimists); children; stories; etc.
Help make this a green picnic -- bring your own beverage cup and plate.

Photo by Cafemama, aka, Sarah Gilbert


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