KBOO Benefit with Amy Goodman and David Goodman "Standing Up to the Madness: Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times"


 Be sure to take our KBOO survey on Democracy Now programming! A KBOO Benefit with Amy Goodman and David Goodman Standing Up to the Madness: Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times Monday, April 14, 2008Doors 6:00pm, Talk 7:00pm Public Talk with Amy and DavidBagdad Theater, 3702 SE Hawthorne, PortlandTickets $15 They'll discuss their new book, followed by book signing with Powell's. Tickets are still available through the Bagdad Theater Box Office at 3702 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd or online! Hurry while they last! From the Democracy Now! site: Standing Up to the Madness not only is a timely, inspiring, and even revolutionary look at who wields the greatest power in America--everyday people who take a chance and stand up for what they believe in--but also offers advice on what you can do to help. Where are the millions marching in the streets to defend human rights, civil liberties, and racial justice? Where is the mass revulsion against the killing and torture being carried out in our name? Where are the environmentalists? Where is the peace movement? The answer: They are everywhere. The award-winning sister-brother team of Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, and investigative journalist David Goodman traveled the country to detail the ways in which grassroots activists have taken politics out of the hands of politicians. Standing Up to the Madness tells the stories of everyday citizens who have challenged the government and prevailed.


no mention of the ticket price; another kboo event that is for the well-heeled, as only they wouldn't care what the price of admission is...

yeah, the price is at the top of the page.. 15 bucks.. did you even look for it before commenting?