Host Glen Andresen and co-pilot Jim Gilbert present a pre-recorded show (recorded about two weeks before today's show). Winter is upon us…are you and your plants and watering system ready? And this is good time, what with the cool and damp weather, to sharpen and maintain hand tools and power equipment. And a discussion on is it necessary to add a gasoline stabilizer to the tank of unused power equipment. Finally, we have a discussion of persimmon, pomegranate, and pineapple guave, though we are trying to now join the rest of the world and call pineapple guaves feijoa!
As always, we'll have a new Plant of the Month (thornless blackberries and their order of bloom) and a new Garden Stumper (the winner who first writes in with the correct answer(s) gets a free sharpening of a gardening hand tool from Cully Farm Store in Northeast Portland!). Our musical theme this month is a tribute to musicians who past away this year that had an inpact on Glen's life. Plus, our Dirtbag Dictionary term is "frost dates." And finally, what Glen is trying to understand this month.
Don't forget, if you have a gardening question, and don't want to call in, you can always email us at thedirtbag@kboo.org -- we'll answer your question on the air during the next show. And, surprise, this is the same email to use to answer The Garden Stumper this month.
The Dirtbag, a garden variety show... Listen. Laugh. Learn.