Per Fagereng hosts a special hour-long edition of Fight the Empire on Hurricane Sandy, climate change, unusual weather patterns, energy and more.
Guests include Daniel Kessler, Media Campaigner for and 350 Action Fund and Joseph Nevins, who teaches geography at Vassar College. He recently wrote the piece “Ecological Crisis and the Need to Challenge the 20 Percent," which states: “Although you would not know it from what passes for debate during the ongoing presidential campaign here in the United States, the biosphere is under siege. A historically high rate of ice melt in the Arctic, devastating floods from the Philippines to Nigeria, a record-setting decline in Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and extreme levels of drought in much of the United States are just some of the recent manifestations.
“These worrisome signs highlight, among other things, the tragic failure of the international community to slash consumption of the Earth's resources via binding international mechanisms. While the reasons for this are numerous, a key one is the obstruction by some of the world's wealthiest and most powerful countries and their refusal to renounce the gospel of endless economic growth.