James Howard Kunstler on "Too Much Magic”



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Air date: 
Thu, 02/06/2014 - 9:30am to 10:00am
James Howard Kunstler on "Too Much Magic”

Host Per Fagereng interviews James Howard Kunstler about his new book, “Too Much Magic.”  “Too Much Magic” is what Kunstler sees in the bright visions of a future world dreamed up by overly optimistic souls who believe technology will solve all our problems. Their visions remind him of the flying cars and robot maids that were the dominant images of the future in the 1950s. Kunstler’s idea of the future is much more sober: he analyzes the various technologies (vertical farms, fracking, corn ethanol) suggested as overnight solutions to the energy crisis and finds none that he thinks will work long-term to cure a society dependent on gas-guzzling cars, in love with an inefficient ideal of suburbia, and unwilling to fundamentally change its high-energy lifestyle. Kunstler also offers concrete ideas as to how we can help ourselves adjust to a society where the oil tap is running dry.

Kunstler is the author of  the critically acclaimed and best-selling “The Long Emergency,” originally published in 2005 as well as numerous other non-fiction and fiction books.


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