Out Loud on 07/01/14


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Air date: 
Tue, 07/01/2014 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Queer News & Culture Radio Show

What's the connection between Portland and what's happening with LGBT rights in Uganda right now? We'll be talking with David Robinson on Out Loud tonight, about the upcoming showing of the film Call Me Kuchu, an exploration of LGBT experience and activism in Uganda.  David will tell talk with us about how former Portlander Scott Lively and other anti-gay crusaders have twisted Ugandan society, and how LGBT Ugandans have responded. 'Call Me Kuchu' will show next week in Portland, July 10th, at the Hollywood Theatre. 


Call Me Kuchu grants unprecedented access into the lives of David Kato and other Ugandan LGBT activists as they struggle against the rise of homophobia and anti-gay legislation in the wake of visits to Uganda by radical American Christian evangelists, including former Oregonian, Scott Lively.


Hailed as “horrific and uplifting, [an] excellent documentary” (NPR), this screening comes at a crucial time after Uganda’s passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Act in February, which further strips LGBT individuals of their basic human rights. This will be the first time the film has been screened in a Portland theater.



We'll also talk with Sasha Buchert, attorney and LGBT activist, about legal developments related to LGBT experience in the United States, including this week's Hobby Lobby decision by the Supreme Court, and the fast-moving developments in marriage equality. Sasha was a long-time host of Out Loud, and now works in Oakland for the Transgender Law Center.

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