The Sampler Crew is back with more crazy fun to help start out your week!
Calling into the studio will be film historian Joseph McBride, to talk with us about his new book on legendary filmmaker Frank Capra titled, "Frankly: Unmasking Frank Capra". It details the troubles he had in writing and publishing his 1992 biography "Frank Capra: Catastrophe of Success". Which uncovered some surprising truths about the director of "It's A Wonderful Life" and "Mister Smith Goes To Washington". We'll also talk about a lot of other classic film stuff.
Also calling in will be local musician David Helfand, to tell us about his upcoming perfomance at OMSI. Last time, we ran out of time to play the first instalment of our new feature DND Mystery Theater, which we will air in its entirety today. All this and lots of music.