Activists confront Palestinian Home Demolitions, US policy


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Air date: 
Wed, 08/25/2010 - 12:00am
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, influences on US Policy

This month on the Recovery Zone, the focus is on Palestine. Host Stephanie Potter speaks with Alaina Melville and Joe Walsh on what is happening on the ground in both the West Bank and Gaza, how the US got involved and what's happening here in Oregon.  Alaina shares her experiences from a work camp she attended this summer  in the West Bank with the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD).   Joe Walsh, a long time anti-war veteran and Palestianian rights activist, recently finished a trial where he sued the city over his unlawful arrest at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) fundraiser protest in March of 2009.

 Events:  Insisting on Life: Agriculture of Palestine, Aug 25, First Unitarian Church, SW Portland (Also Aug 26, 27, 28 at various venues Portland and Vancouver, WA)

 Vancouver Peace and Justice Fair  Sept 11, 9am - 5pm (Experience a Checkpoint!)

Websites:  Israeli Committee Against House Demolitons, Jewish Voice for PeaceIf Americans Knew, Al-Nakba-History, Who Profits?, Canaan Fair Trade, The Alternative Information Center 



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