Peltier Justice Ride- Episode 3



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Air date: 
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
This is the third update from the Peltier Justice Ride 2016


Thursday July 14 was day 2 of the Peltier Justice Ride which made its way from Baker City Oregon to Rupert Idaho. After their morning yoga session, the riders hit high way 84 ready for the 300 miles journey of the day. Despite some car troubles, dead cell phone zones and losing each other in route, the caravan kept moving forward and the spirits of collaboration and team work were high.

Over the weekend they will ride through the states of Colorado and Kansas.

Tune in again on Monday to the KBOO evening News to hear an update from the Peltier Justice Ride 2016. Go to to listen to past updates from the ride. Also follow KBOO on social media to see photos and videos by Christopher Francisco from the Peltier Justice Ride.

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