Comics Take on the News is a show created, co-produced, and hosted by Dani Schi.
Dani Schi is primarily a Portland, Oregon, United States based stand-up comic from a farm in a small community in Michigan. She is a touring standup comedian, performing in festivals, clubs and bars all over the United States. She is the creator, producer, and comedic wrangler for the show. Schi also produces a monthly
stand-up comedy show the second Saturday of the month at Rose City Book Pub in Portland. S\
To contact Dani, email [email protected].
Comics Take on the News is soundly engineered and co-produced by Cimberly Nickell.
Cimberly Nickell is a stand-up comedian (correction: an improviser turned stand-up) from Portland, OR. Maybe you have seen her perform with the short-lived indie improv team, Couch (with the Portland pronunciation) Potato! Now that we are talking potatoes, Cimberly claims to be the culinary genius behind mashed potatoes as a dipping sauce for potato wedges. She considers herself a real ideas woman.
To contact Cimberly, email her at [email protected]