


James Chasse

Airs at: Fri, 10/02/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Evening News

Autism Speaks Protest

Airs at: Mon, 09/28/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Evening News

Baucus health care plan or sham?

Airs at: Thu, 09/17/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
On September 14,  Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) unveiled a long-awaited health care plan that he believes will extend coverage to uninsured Americans and secure the support of both major parties. So far, the 233 page bill has drawn sharp criticism from all sides. What does t... Read more

Oregon Day of Culture, Disability Employment Awareness month events, Latin American Film Fest

Airs at: Fri, 10/02/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Community Grooves
On today's Community Grooves program, Host Natalie Butto features Oregon Day of Culture, and Hispanic Heritage Month Part 2, including interviews with Oregon Cultural Trust manager and Latin American Film Festival founder. October is National Disability Employment Awaren... Read more

Dr. Alfred Liu on the sleep disorders of people who are blind

Airs at: Mon, 09/28/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Sounds of Awareness
 Sounds of Awareness Host Paul Van Dyck speaks with Dr. Alfred Liu, who has studied the sleep disorders of people who are blind.  Read more

Common Sense - Health Issues in the Immigrant - Refugee Community

Airs at: Wed, 09/16/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Wednesday Talk Radio
 Common Sense Hosted by Kayse Jama and Grassia MelendezToday's show will cover Community Health and what organizations and community members who are trying to close the gap between health, gender, race and economic status.  Joining us for discussion are:John Joo, from AP... Read more

Kennedy's letter to Obama

Sept. 10,2009 Here's the letter from Ted Kennedy to President Obama, written shortly after the Senator learned his cancer was terminal. Dear Mr. President, I wanted to write a few final words to you to express my gratitude for your repeated personal kindnesses to me – and ... Read more

We need a fighter

Sept. 7, 2009Again, Bill Moyers rides to our rescue.Let's get on with it, Mr. President. We're up the proverbial creek with spaghetti as our paddle. This health care thing could have been the crossing of the Delaware, the turning point in the next American Revolution — t... Read more

Jean Parker gives a Speech for the American Council of the Blind

Airs at: Sun, 08/23/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Sounds of Awareness
Sounds of Awareness Hosted by: Paul Van Dyck   Jean Parker, blind American journalist, discusses her role as a radio journalist in India, for NPR, CBC, BBC, and other radio networks, in a speech given at the American Council of the Blind convention in 2008. Read more

The Powers that Be have ensured that our health remains for sale.

Airs at: Mon, 08/17/2009 at 5:00pm
 The Powers that Be have ensured that our health remains for sale.   Hosted by: Abe Proctor and Joe Uris, (But...  Joe Uris remains on vacation...  For now...) In what will surely one day be known as a case study in the downfall of our Republic, the Congress and -- presu... Read more