Bread and Roses May 8 Show: Mother's Day - Who, What, Where, When & Why



Bridget B. here and I might get a little deep for a minute or two so hang in there with me.  I'm hosting the next edition of Bread and Roses this Friday, May 8 from 6pm - 7pm and given that it falls on the day of celebration in some countries and will precede Mother's Day here in the United States, I decided to reflect on the who, what, where, when and why Mother's Day was created.  Here's the problem,

I can't find within myself that overwhelming feeling that most have for their mother to actually say I'm giddy about hosting a show about Mother's Day.  I personally can't say that my relationship with my mother is anything to write home about nor is it important to me.  Okay, let's just be real, I don't have a relationship with my mother and haven't for many years and it isn't anything that I spend a lot of time on anymore.
Having the opportunity to gain greater knowledge about this topic allowed me to have a greater appreciation for it's original form versus its commercial form...I know, no duh.  So, I'm actually glad I knew the little bit of history that I knew about Mother's Day going into the research and even more appreciative of all that I learned in preparation for this show.  I'm actually more comfortable with the topic now than when I first started thinking about this...thanks Nicole/Ashley or Brooke who brought it up because it was definitely not on my radar to talk about.
One thing that I want to call out in this blog, as a result of my research, is what I believe is our need to focus on helping children in our own backyards so we can be a stronger more unified country, which in turn will allows us to be a stronger and more equipped people who will better serve and ultimately save the nation's children.
I trust you'll listen in on Friday, May 8 from 6pm - 7pm and consider calling in when I open the phone lines for you to tell us what Mother's Day means to you and to pledge your support during the membership drive breaks.
P.S. Become a member of the "Soul of Our Collective Community" (coined by Shaheed with a touch up by me) - KBOO 90.7FM

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