Goodbye Listener's Guide, Hello Additional Promotional Opportunities
Greetings esteemed KBOO supporters,
Well, the final Listener's Guide has been released, and thus comes the end of an era. Some of you have been advertising in the Guide for longer than I've been at KBOO, which is a long time indeed. We have been grateful for your support, now more than ever, and we have been thrilled to work with you to help promote your work to the region's most progressive and diverse members of the community; we like to think this has been mutually beneficial.
Now we are in a new age, and we really don't want to lose your support or our ability to help you promote yourself, and that's why I write today. No matter when you signed your Guide Advertising Agreement, it expires with the release of the March Guide. But that does not mean that we have run out of ways to work together. Indeed, it is our sincerest hope that you will consider exploring the other ways KBOO can provide you with valuable promotion:
Promote your work while supporting KBOO's superior mission and programming
While KBOO is a non-commercial station, we do look for program sponsors, or "underwriters." Underwriters sponsor specific programs in exchange for an announcement during the program. Every day, retail stores, restaurants, promoters, service providers, labor unions, and many more reach out to KBOO's progressive, diverse, and dedicated audience.
The region's most progressive listeners
Recent Arbitron ratings reveal that we are reaching over 50,000 listeners every week, and that our listeners are faithful; over one third listen for several hours each day and about half make KBOO their first or second choice of radio stations.
For a fraction of a penny per listener
Underwriting generally ranges from $27-$35 per acknowledgment; remember, we only do one acknowledgment per program, so the number of programs and the number of acknowledgments is the same.
That is, less than 12 spots would be $35 each, 12 to 25 spots would be $30 each, and once a week for 6 months or more would be $27 each ($1,404 annually ~ one of my most common deals).
Number of Spots
Spot Price
12 - 25
26 or more
Your Underwriting Acknowledgment
An underwriting acknowledgment always begins with the same lead-in: "This program is made possible in part by KBOO Foundation members and a grant from..." After that, we try to keep it around 15-20 seconds, which doesn't sound like a lot, but we fit quite a bit in.
What we cannot say is any statement that is qualitative ("the best..."), solicitory (a call to action, as in "call now!"), comparative (that is, language specifically intended to distinguish one's business from one's competitors), or includes price information. Nor can we use music beds (that is, theme music behind the acknowledgment). I generally encourage people to think of the three main things they want to get across, and that works as a good starting point. The acknowledgement must be approved by both the underwriter and the station manager, and is likely to look something like the following:
Sample Underwriting Acknowledgment
This program is made possible in part by KBOO Foundation members and a grant from:
[your business name here], specializing in [your product or service]. [your business] is located at [your location]. For more information the number is [your phone number] or [your web address]
Online Exposure
Underwriters are listed at our website, including name, address, phone number. Listings are hyperlinked to underwriter's website.
Advertise your work at
KBOO Community Radio is pleased to announce a valuable new promotional vehicle for local businesses - online advertising. KBOO is extremely proud of its web presence, and particularly of the brand new site, featuring increased functionality, streaming, discussion forums, extensive schedule information, as well as blogs and information from programmers, staff, and the KBOO Board of Directors.
Traffic to our site is increasing every month
As of October 2009, was receiving over 30,000 unique visits per month, from over 20,000 visitors!
Cost & Size
We are currently putting the finishing touches on how the online advertising will work. Please stay tuned.
The Fine Print
The placement of on-line ads on KBOO's home page shall be at KBOO Web Coordinator's discretion.
The content and links of on-line advertisements are subject to review and approval by KBOO, based upon the KBOO Programming Charter and KBOO Contributor Restrictions:
KBOO shall not knowingly accept underwriting or advertising funds from individuals, organizations, or businesses which:
· are involved in weapons manufacturing;
· make investments in repressive governments (other than the United States);
· have been shown to discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual preference, national
· origin, age, religion, marital status, or physical or mental disability;
· have been shown to tolerate sexual harassment;
· have been shown to use unfair labor practices;
· have been shown to be environmentally irresponsible;
· produce or distribute materials deemed offensive on the grounds listed above; or
· KBOO's Board of Directors determines would be detrimental to the social responsibilities of the station.
· Additionally, KBOO shall not accept advertising from religious organizations or political candidates.
Sponsor agrees that Sponsor's support of Station, regardless of level or duration, shall not give Sponsor any right to directly or indirectly influence program selection or content or Station policy on any matter. Any attempt by Sponsor to influence programming based on Sponsor's financial support shall be grounds for terminating underwriting/advertising agreement.
Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or comments.
Yours in radioactivism!
Justin S. J. Miller
Underwriting Coordinator
503/231-8032, ext. 209
503/231-7145 [fax]
20 SE 8th Ave
Portland, OR 97214
[email protected]
Justin S. J. Miller
Underwriting Coordinator
503/231-8032, ext. 209
503/231-7145 [fax]
20 SE 8th Ave
Portland, OR 97214
[email protected]
New Age?
What about ALL the listeners, real and potential, that are not hooked into the Introweb?Is it now a cultural imperative to be "connected"?One could say that its a poor artisan that does not utilize all the tools at hand
New Age?
Thanks for your comment. As my father used to say, "sometimes a pickle is just a pickle"; by "New Age," I simply meant one without the Listener's Guide. While I had reservations about ending the Listener's Guide for exactly the reason you cite, I can certainly understand the fiscal realities that led to the decision. All the best.
father's wisdom
<p><strong>"sometimes a pickle is just a pickle"</strong> ... couldn't have said it better mice elf!</p><p> </p><p><img src="" alt=""></p><p> </p>
digitally exclusive NO!
I was looking forward to supplementing my annual contribution of 60-320 dollars with gift subscriptions for my friends who were newbies, but without the hardcopy to introduce them to your programing and give them something to touch, for my present, I will have to look elsewhere for my educational giving. I'm sorry,I still love you, even though you are incorrect on this one. faithfully, but taking my gift dollars elsewhere :(
Listener's Guide replacement
<p>The March Guide is still available and includes the schedule grid which will remain largely unchanged for months to come. </p><p>Starting in April, we will be producing monthly flyers for distribution around town, and intend on producing a quarterly print piece for mailing to our members beginning later this Spring.</p>
Listeners Guide
I truly hope this decision does not come back to bite us. Are there plans to reevaluate the impact of the loss of the Guide on Membership? Perhaps a survey?
We will be distributing a
<p>We will be distributing a half sheet flyer that will highlight the upcoming months shows and events throughout the city. </p>
Goodbye Listener's Guide, Hello Additional Promotional.....
<p>Good. I am glad that something in hard-copy form will still be distributed throughout the city. Not everyone can, or wants to, get all info from the web. And what about those diners who like to pick up local publications in the foyer to peruse over a cup of coffee and a plate of pancakes? </p>