Water World



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Coverage of the 2016 Decision of Record by the EPA for the Willamette harbor Superfund site

Proposals by the EPA to clean up the Willamette river Superfund site are being presented for public scrutiny. Scheduled for this live show is Barbara Quinn and Jackie Calder from the Portland Harbor Citizen Advisory Group and The EPA's very own Cami Grandinetti. We will be fielding calls from people with questions relevant to potential actions taken to clean up the river only. 
The Environmental Protection Agency will be hosting and participating with a number of public information sessions over the next two months. This is because after 16 years of planning, feasability studies and looking at the pollutants in our river and possible responsible parties the EPA is ready to make a decision about how to move forward with the clean up of the river. 

Whenever the EPA decides if a polluted area qualifies for a superfund designation a Citizen Advisory Group is formed. The Willamette Harbor Citizen Advisory Group has been coming together for 16 years as volunteers to advise the EPA. Also the CAG has worked hard to present their interested communities with information so we in the Willamette River Valley can participate in the conversation about the fate of our river and assoiciated uplands. 

There are 9 proposed plans for clean up. There are hundreds of "possible responsible parties". You can learn more about these by attending an iformation session. One proposed plan will be chosen only after citizen input so people really do have a voice in this but only if it is used. 

Here is a list of information Sessions

Community Information Sessions

It’s not yet time for the proposed plan or public comment. But it’s time to engage with EPA to learn more, ask questions and hear information about Portland Harbor so you will be ready before the Plan is released.

Come to one of the upcoming community information sessions offered by EPA to learn more about Portland Harbor Superfund Site and the options we are considering for cleaning up the river. The sessions will include:

  • Portland Harbor background, health risks and why EPA is taking action;
  • Information about cleanup options;
  • Next steps for public participation/comment during the Proposed Plan release.


  • Thursday, February 4, Portland City Building Auditorium (1120 SW 5th Ave, 2nd Floor Auditorium)
    • Open house: 11:30am-12pm
    • Information and discussion session: 12pm-1:30pm
  • Thursday, February 11, Matt Dishman Community Center (77 NE Knott St, Portland)
    • Open house: 6:30pm-7pm
    • Information and discussion session: 7pm-8:30pm
  • Thursday, February 18, Woodrow Wilson High School Cafeteria (1151 SW Vermont St, Portland)
    • Open house: 6pm-6:30pm
    • Information and discussion session: 6:30pm-8pm
  • Thursday, March 3, Live webinar - online information session. More information to be announced.
  • Thursday, March 17, SE Multicultural Center (4610 SE Belmont St, Portland)
    • Open house: 6pm-6:30pm
    • Information and discussion session: 6:30pm-8pm
  • Saturday, March 19, Matt Dishman Community Center (77 NE Knott St, Portland)
    • Open house: 11:30am-12pm
    • Information and discussion session: 12pm-1:30pm
  • Saturday, March 26, OMSI - Oregon Museum of Science & Industry (1945 SE Water Ave, Portland)
    • Open house: 11:30am-12pm
    • Information and discussion session: 12pm-1:30pm

To learn more or receive updated notifications contact Alanna Conley([email protected]), 503-326-6831.

Additonal forums

In addition, you are invited to attend the following forums which are also free and open to the public:

  • Monday, February 8, 7pm, Audubon Society, 5151 NW Cornell Rd, Portland
  • Tuesday, February 9, 7pm, League of Women Voters, Multnomah County Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd.


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