The mountains are calling...
Happy Earth Day, everyone! In honor of KBOO's 24-hour Earth Day soundscape history I am inviting you to check out the Threshold Shift archive where you can hear sounds from all over the world...from Papua New Guinea, to Madagascar, to the Central African Republic and Panama right back to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Bears Ears, and ANWR. Let the outside inside today and every day.
And if you'd like to read a brief call to the mountains today, visit The Big Smoke and make a plan for what you will do to help our planet whether that's buying food with less plastic packaging, growing more of your own veggies if you can, using less water, recycling or upcycling more large household goods, or making a goal of always picking up at least one bag of plastic trash from the street, trails, or beach the next time you visit. There's lots of things we can do to show we care. Do what you can with what you have, take care of the planet and take care of each other.