Published date:
Friday, March 13, 2020 - 1:45am
Links to all the most updated information and resources from KBOO:
LATEST NEWS updates about COVID19
LOCAL COVID19 RESOURCES - including getting food delivered free, support for workers, how to volunteer, and much more
FREE LUNCH pickup locations for all area school districts
KBOO Audio Reports, Interviews, Analysis about COVID19
Election 2020 - Updates and impact of COVID19 on the 2020 election process
General Info and Statistics About COVID19
KBOO's Commitment to Our Listeners, Members and Volunteers:
KBOO is committed to both keeping our staff and volunteers safe and healthy and at the same time providing our listeners with as much up-to-date, accurate information as we can about the current status of COVID19 in our listening area. We are staying on the air - but volunteers and most staff are working remotely. You can reach our staff via individual emails: listed on our staff page, or call our main number: 503-231-8032 and leave a message for our staff according to directions provided.
How KBOO is keeping our station and volunteers safe
KBOO Volunteers: Click here for instructions for producing your program from home