New Earth



Hosted by: 
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Air date: 
Fri, 01/22/2021 - 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Ender Black

A new Earth year! A new galactic day!


Today is a grand day, the sun shines bright with light

And nothing is wrong with the might to fight, fever for life

All I can say is that I am in awe of the greatness to be alive

A long time ago, while breezes rolled by, the truth was revealed as a voice in the eyes

This earth was as simple as the breath seems to be, and the beat of the moment was as strong as it could be?


Nothing can change the motions of the moon, no one can buy understanding too soon

Nothing can end without being started as in a mighty battle tune

Poetry everywhere you turn, it seems there is a magic to the earth

It escapes the hands of the many who seek but do not get, seek but do not get


Everywhere I turn, the galaxies seem to be the oysters my spirit will always have

How can I discount the many gifts my hands shuffle and anticipate

Everywhere I turn, there is some truth to be revealed, my hands step up and associate

There is much that can be done if your will is tight and undulate

For too long we've seen disaster and injustice 

Now we deserve lustrous substance and abundance, order and a dang tape recorder to capture a new trust robustness.



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