Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers. None of us would be here without you.
In a tribute to you, I have decided to play some songs that could be named after your own Mother or a Mother that you may know. I think it will be fun and interspersed will be songs that will keep the pace moving. Even though it is 5/8 I will not be playing anything from the show that never happened.
To begin we will visit 5/7/77 from the Boston Garden. I met the owner of Demarco Sandwiches while picking up lunch and noticed a handful of Stealie/GD stickers on his food truck and asked what he'd like to hear on the show. He requested anything from Boston Garden since he is from Boston.
We will also be listening to some tracks from Germany, 5/9/77 and a raging Viola Lee.
Thank you for spending your Saturday with me.
It is also the Spring Memberhip Drive, please text "KBOO" to 44-321 or donate at kboo.fm/give