Police Accountability and Criminal Legal Reform: a Legislative Recap



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Mon, 07/05/2021 - 6:30pm to 7:00pm
Police Accountability & Criminal Legal Reform: a Legislative Recap

Karen James speaks with Juan Chavez, attorney with Oregon Justice Resource Center’s Civil Rights Project.  The Oregon legislature has ended its 2021 session and while there were some disappointing defeats, legislation was passed transforming Oregon’s criminal legal system and to hold police accountable.  Juan discusses bills passed including legislation to eliminate fees for post-prison supervision, probation and parole; expand earned leave for those on post-supervision; $25 million in funding for public safety programs to help ensure justice, accountability and equity for communities of color.  Other measures passed to reform policing include a duty to report by officers who witness misconduct of fellow officers; restricting use of booking photos; bias crimes training, etc.

OJRC: https://ojrc.info/

Oregon Legislature:  https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/

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