Flirting with Disaster: Randy Leonard's Soccermania



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Wed, 04/01/2009 - 12:00am
Flirting with Disaster: Randy Leonard's Soccermania

City Commissioner Randy Leondard wants major league soccer in Portland. Despite a darkening economic picture, the commissioner is pushing hard to close a deal that involves using public dollars to make it happen. But some Portlanders are concerned about the use of urban renewal dollars for upgrading PGE Stadium for soccer and building a new replacement baseball stadium. Dave Mazza discusses the potential risks and pitfalls of the stadium deal as well as other risky "public-private" partnerships looming on the horizon.


(Note: Institute for Policy Studies' Chuck Collins had originally been scheduled for this program. His assessment of the AIG debacle will aired on a later program.)

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I love the idea of the culinary center in LA... where the unions work with the hotels and restauarants to do training and skills development and job placement. what possibility would there be to even connect western culinary, but actually get the folks who work in the restaurants here already trained.

Would love to hear a show on initiatives like this, unions and business working togther, and community education\skills building for real economic success


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