Tribute to Stan Lee and The Fantastic Four



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Tonight we will present a pair of radio dramas adapted from the pages of The Greatest Comic Magazine in the World which first issues appeared on newsstands 60 years ago this year. It is also the 100th birthday of Stan Lee who along with illustrator Jack Kirby created this adventure aeries which lead to what is now known as Marvel Comics and have become the inspiration of movies and television shows over the last decades. These dramas were created in 1968 a few years after the Fantastic Four first appeared but their popularity had become such that this radio series was adapteded directly from the original pages. Stan Lee himself narrates. Today two early stories that show how Lee and Kirby were taking comicbook stories in a new direction.  From Fantastic Four # 12, where our heroes "Face The Incredible Hulk". And from issue #13 "The Red Ghost". An imaginative story of the FF traveling to the moon. and we are introduced to The Watcher.

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