Destroy All Movies! An interview with Zack Carlson and Bryan Connoly



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Air date: 
Mon, 11/15/2010 - 12:00am
Destroy All Movies Interview

This is an interview with the writers and editors of Destroy All Movies,  Zack Carlson and Bryan Connonly.

They say "Destroy All Movies may be the most dazzlingly insane film reference book of all time, Destroy All Movies!!! is an informative, hilarious, and impossibly complete guide to every goddamn appearance of a punk (or new waver!) to hit the screen in the 20th Century."

They will be at Reading Frenzy (921 SW Oak, on Tuesday Nov 16th at 6:30 pm for a reading and signing event,  which also features DJ HWY 7  playing selected tracks from films featured in the book. Then, they will be presenting Rock n roll High School at the Hollywood Theatre (4122 Northeast Sandy Blvd. at 9:30pm.



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