On today's episode, we welcome Patricia Horvath, author of the new story collection But Now Am Found from Black Lawrence Press. Patricia is the author of the memoir All the Difference and her stories and essays have appeared in Shenandoah, Confrontation, New Ohio Review, and The Massachusetts Review, among others. She's the recipient of New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowships in both fiction and literary nonfiction, the Goldenberg Fiction Prize at Bellevue Literary Review, and the Frank O’Connor Fiction Award. Patricia teaches at Framingham State University.
Author Heather Harpham says of But Now Am Found, “In spare, precisely detailed prose, Patricia Horvath delivers a moving collection of stories that roam the low tides of life — the chemo ward, the stepchild’s realization that she’s unwanted baggage, the loss of a beloved parent — with a keen eye for small tendernesses that, if they don’t redeem, truly soften life’s blows.”
Author photo courtesy of Carol Rosegg