Circle A Radio on 10/21/09



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Air date: 
Wed, 10/21/2009 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Holocaust Deniers in Portland

We talk with members of Rose City Antifa, a Portland group fighting white supremicy and Holocaust Deniers, about the recent upswing in Holocaust Deniers coming to Portland, and their ties to the 9-11 Truth movement.


I would like to hear both sides of this story.  Why wasn't the 9-11 Truth movement brought in for representation as well?  Why can't both groups discuss this on KBOO especailly if you are going to accuse or present a group as being racist?  Poor journalism. 

doesn't seem to be a podcast or audio archive of this show? why

The 9-11 fraud is what it is: a fraud.  I have a degree in science from the ivy league, and I know the impossible when I see it.  It's not ambiguous.  You can't totally destroy three New York skyscrapers with only two airplanes.  ( fringe thinkers may be attracted to this admittedly (unfortunately) fringe information.  But that doesn't impact reality.  Scientific truth isn't impacted by belief.  Evolution doesn't cease to happen because the Christian right doesn't believe it.  And the physical (physics!) impossibility of the mainstream 9-11 story isn't impacted by neo-Nazis one way or the other.  Except that they discredit discussions thereof, which is HIGHLY unfortunate.If your inclination is political, I suggest a movie which is largely an exposé of the 9-11 Commission.If your inclination is scientific, I suggest talks by Steven Jones, a university professor of physics for decades.As research on 9-11 continues, more will come out.  It may take a while, but the truth can't be hidden forever.By the way, I think Mahatma Gandhi and M. L. King Jr. are the 20th century's greatest heros.  Just in case there was a question.And the Nazis did kill 6 million Jews and several million others.  And the U.S. killed a million Japanese civilians in one week with two bombs.  (Many truths are hard to swallow.)Peace.

Your radio show made me very sad. I've seen the real face of neo-nazism and it's called antifa.  Please don't try to collect my name or stalk me.  I don't believe in any kind of supremacy... just a person's right to express their mind without being shouted down by a group of self-righteous and intellectually lazy bullies.  Yes, the truth is an offense but it's not a sin.

This piece is a prime example of Yellow Journalism.  Boo KBOO!

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