Drinking from Puddles on 05/05/10



Produced by: 
Air date: 
Wed, 05/05/2010 - 8:00pm to 11:00pm
Haley Bonar returns to Drinking From Puddles !!

Haley Bonar returns to Drinking From Puddles on 05/05/10 !!

"I could listen to Haley Bonar sing anything. It helps that her songs are usually well-crafted, and that the production is meticulous, but for me, it's all about the voice. It's light without being weak, airy without being empty. There are years in there, experiences you don't, and never will, know about." -music.for-robots.com

"To watch Bonar perform is haunting and humbling; rarely is it so keenly obvious that an artist is doing precisely what they were born to do. Sleepy but never sedate, Bonar's set was as simple and as perfect as a pocketwatch, and as intimate as a lullaby" -Minneapolis City Pages


add her on facebook, buy her music but more importantly, catch a live show. "Indian" just melted my face off!

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