Bread and Roses Call-in Night with Anna Vo



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Air date: 
Fri, 06/16/2017 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
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Anna Vo for Bread and Roses
Pamela Santos talks with guest Anna Vo, taking calls on microaggressions

Pamela Santos talks with guest Anna Vo, taking calls and questions from folks on microaggressions, uncomfortable interactions and unclear situations, especially around race or power dynamics. Did you have a conversation that left you feeling icky but not sure why? Do you have a colleague at work who treats people too... something? Anna Vo runs trainings on Inclusive Practice around Oregon, and can help you find names to situations, or clarify something muddy and microaggressive. We may or may not talk about: invisibilization, tokenism, white saviors, colonizing behaviors, or colorism. Call in and see!

On June 16th, executive producer Pamela Santos hosts a "Call-in Night" with special guest Anna Vo, local social worker, educator and artist. 

To share microaggressions you have experienced, if you need an ear or maybe a sounding board, call KBOO studios live from 6-7pm at 503-231-8187, send messages on our Facebook page, Twitter (@breadrosesradio) or email us breadandroses [at] kboo [dot] fm. 

Priority given to callers identifying as people of color, LGBTQ and queer/trans POC. 



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