Catastrophism and climate change: the politics of (how to talk about) possible climate catastrophe



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Air date: 
Wed, 04/01/2015 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Sorry, this isn't an April Fools' show!! (oh do we all wish that it was!)
Guest Robert Hunziker reports on the front lines of global climate change. He's back with host Paul Roland to talk about his latest article, "Apocalyptic Meltdown: The Nightmare is Underway," recently out on Counterpunch They'll be talking about the latest sobering (frightening? terrifying?) information on the effects of global climate change.

But they'll also look at the current debate about "Catastrophism:" the idea that over-emphasizing "apocalyptic" scenarios can actually be disempowering, and may tend to ignore or downplay the actual disastruous social conditions that many  non-privileged people have to live in.  In the book, "Catastrophism: The Apocalyptic Politics of Collapse and Rebirth," the authors argue that "Catastrophe can be paralyzing, not mobilizing. Revolutionaries should be talking about possibilities of transformation, not spinning tales of great chaos and suffering." What are the most effective ways of talking about this climate change and other social and environmental disasters? Add your thoughts to the conversation by calling in to our studio line:


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