KBOO's All-Inclusive 2016 City and County Candidate Forum



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Air date: 
Wed, 04/06/2016 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
KBOO's All-Inclusive 2016 City and County Candidate Forum


KBOO Evening News is throwing an all-inclusive candidate forum covering City and County races on Wednesday, April 6 from 5 to 8 pm.

Candidates will have the opportunity to deliver a prepared statement and then will be asked a trivia question relating to the office they are running for. The atmosphere will be casual. There will also be live music by the KBOO Evening News House Band, led by Michael "Shoehorn" Conley!

Confirmed Candidates Include:

Candidates for Commissioner, Position No. 1

Amanda Fritz
David Morrison
Ann Sanderson
Sara Long
Lanita Duke

Candidates for Commissioner, Position No. 4

Michael W. Durrow
Joseph Puckett
Fred Stewart
Shannon Estabrook
Suzanne Stahl
Stuart Emmons
Chloe Eudaly
Leah Dumas

Candidates for Mayor

Steven J. Entwisle Sr.
Lew Humble
David Schor
Trevor Manning
David "The Ack" Ackerman
Ted Wheeler
Jessie Sponberg
Sean Davis
Jules Bailey
Sarah Iannarone
Bim Ditson
Patty Burkett
Bruce Broussard

For more information, and candidate filing information, click herehttp://www.portlandoregon.gov/auditor/article/544311

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