With both federal and international action on global warming either in political gridlock or painfully slow, citizens and municipilaties are taking matters into their own hands. A rule proposed by the Washington Department of Ecology to limit carbon pollution will have a public hearing in Olympia Thursday evening. The rule was ordered by Governor Inslee last year under the authority of the state Clean Air Act.
But, according to long-time climate activist and writer Patrick Mazza, the proposed rule just isn't up to the task of sufficiently reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide. So he and 16 other parents and grandparents are engaging in a three-day fast on the steps of the Capitol in Olympia leading up to the hearing, to bring public attention and pressure to bear on the decision-makers.
Mazza will join host Paul Roland by phone from the Capitol to talk about the state of climate politics in Washington and beyond.
For more about the fast and what's been happening in Washington State:
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