ICE Raids and Community Resistance



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Air date: 
Wed, 06/04/2008 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

On June 12th, 2007, as workers at the Del Monte
processing plant in North Portland, neared the end of their work shift, agents
from the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement
or ICE, raided the plant, detaining 167 people, separating families, and
spreading fear and anxiety through out the community.
Tonite on Circle A Radio, nearly one year after the raid,
we’ll explore the current state of immigration policy in the US, and let you
know how to get involved in the local struggle for civil rights.  We talk with Monami Maulik of Desis Rising
Up and Moving in New York City, Arnoldo Garcia of the National Network for
Immigrant and Refugee Rights, based in Oakland.  We also bring you local organizers Shizuko Hashimoto of the
Portland Central Solidarity Committee, and Marco Mejia of the New Sanctuary


Desis Rising Up and Moving
Monami Maulik, Executive Director, Organizer
[email protected]
“Radicalization in The West: The Homegrown Threat”

  • A
    chilling report by the NYPD



National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Arnoldo Garcia, Director of the Immigrant Justice and Rights
HURRICANE – Human Rights Immigrant Community Action Network
[email protected]
510-465-1984 ext. 305


New Sanctuary Movement
Marco Mejia, [email protected]


Portland Central America Solidarity Committee
Shizuko Hashimoto, Coordinator
[email protected]

Portland Allies Coming Together (PACT)
[email protected]


Oregon New Sanctuary Movement Week of Action &
Prayer: Sunday, June 8th – Sunday June 15th

On June 12th, 2007 ICE agents arrested 167 immigrant workers at the Del Monte
plant in North Portland.  Now, one year later, the Oregon New Sanctuary
Movement is teaming up with immigrants affected in that raid and other
community organizations to plan a week of action and prayer.  We will
remember the injustices that happened that day and call attention to the
ongoing assault on immigrant families and workers.

Calendar of events:

 Friday, June 6th - Sunday, June 8th: Prayers and
Reflections for Immigrant Justice Faith communities are invited to lift up
prayers or reflections for immigrant justice during their religious

Tuesday, June 10th: One Year After Del Monte: Community
Responses to ICE Raids
6:00 p.m.
St. Andrew's Catholic Church Community Center
806 NE Alberta St.
* Organized by Portland Central America Solidarity Committee (PCASC)

Wednesday, June 11th: Vigil and Press Conference at Del
Monte Plant
Del Monte Fresh Foods Plant, 9243 N. Rivergate Blvd.
* Organized in conjunction with Jobs with Justice

Thursday, June 12th: Interfaith Service and Dinner
6:00 p.m.
Augustana Lutheran Church
2710 NE 14th Avenue

Saturday, June 14th: Screening of "Suenos Congelados"
James John Elementary School
7439 N Charleston
4:30pm & 6pm
* Organized in conjunction with the Comite de Solidaridad y Apoyo Mutuo 
(CSAM) and the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
One Year After Del Monte: Community Responses to ICE Raids

When: Tuesday June 10  6-8pm
Where: St. Andrew's Catholic Church Community Center (806 NE Alberta St)

On June 12th, 2007 ICE agents arrested 167 immigrant workers at the Del Monte
plant in North Portland.  One year later we are taking a moment to reflect
on how our community is responding to the ongoing raids, detentions and
deportations that are happening here in Portland.

David Ayala, SEIU Local 49
Nathan Teske, El Programa Hispano
Guest Speaker, El Comite de Solidaridad e Apoyo Mutuo

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