Do more. Be more. Try harder. These battle cries of our culture are making us sick, tired, and frustrated.
We simply can’t solve stress and overwhelm by doing the same things we’ve been doing but doing them harder, more, and better. We need a new approach.
Samantha Brody, naturopthic physician, licensed acupuncturist in Portland, Oregon discusses Overcoming Overwhelm, the title of her forthcoming book to be published in 2018 by Sounds True press. She offers insight to the effects of stress and overwhelm on health along with solutions to this conundrum: with steps and a process that helps us dismantle our burdens so we don’t get sick, tired, and anxious in the first place.
Steps include identifying all of the hats you wear that are important to you, looking at core values, identifying how you want to feel physically and emotionally, then looking at all of the categories of stress that 'fill your bucket.' So you can choose which things make most sense to address. As in, you can't do it all, what is most important to do?