More Talk Radio on 07/17/17



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Mon, 07/17/2017 - 8:00am to 9:00am
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Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) a state-wide monopoly on PUBLIC BROADCASTING (KBOO is Community Broadcasting) without even facing a demand from organized or dis-organized LABOR (no letter-writing campaigns to newspapers who themselves have BUSINESS sections yet never a WAGE SLAVE section) for EQUAL BROADCAST TIME for funded production and broadcast of regular programming to represent the perspectives of WAGE SLAVES.

My letters to editor and online NEWS READER COMMENTS (via DISQUS) are never backed by organized LABOR letters and in fact those reading newspapers who side with and identify the INVESTORS\BOSSES outnumber my own voice of WAGE SLAVES at least 4 to 1 almost always siding with the ENTREPRENEUR, BOSS or INVESTOR perspective. You Wage Slave without union representation need a well-paid hierarchy to write letters on your own behalf? Don't have time to write a letter to editor or COMMENT board? Trump's Trumpets voting and organizing against their own childrens' interests have all the time and energy in the world to counter the BROADCAST DOMINATION of WAGE SLAVES!

Even in the ALTERNATIVE PRESS and Reader Comment sections (try reading the online READER COMMENTS OF THE MERCURY and WILLAMETTE WEEK or even the neighborhood papers like NW EXAMINER, SE EXAMINER or the Business advertisers). Boycotts in solidarity with opposing Washington or Foreign regimes happen every day. Oregon ever boycott Feudal Lord Phil or NIKE which has never manufactured in U.S.? Now our former community organizer President Obama in his retirement after using his bully pulpit to rave on behalf of the WAGE SLAVE is photographed around the world wearing the WHOOSH brand!

Our Blue State 1-party Democrat leaders who are such friends of the working class because the RED REPUBLICANS are all backing the BOSSES and UNION BUSTERS? Ever see them press the state's PUBLIC BROADCASTING monopoly to add a WAGE SLAVE program to balance MARKETPLACE with KAI RYSSDAL or PLANET MONEY or THIS WEEK ON WALL STREET? Who do our Democrats represent? They can take our support for granted in Oregon which is after all a WORK AT WILL state! Have you gone to the BOLI (Bureau of Labor and Industry as close as Oregon gets to a LABOR RELATIONS PUBLIC ADMINSITRATION) web-site to read what it means for our state to be a WORK AT WILL state (or EMPLOYMENT AT WILL)? Do you use that term interchangeably with RIGHT TO WORK STATE? Here's the link with the definition and the difference, short and sweet. It guarantees a PERMANENTLY UNSTABLE WORK FORCE the next time you hear bosses complain about the unreliability and disloyalty of WAGE SLAVES who've lost economic ground for the last 45 years. As if that ammunition has won U.S. any time on our own Broadcast News and Cyber Views Spectrum!:

With this in mind, and I know that undisclosed satire has gotten KBOO broadcasters banished from the Peoples' Listener-Supported airwaves just like a life-long labor activist like troubador Michelle Shocked could get black-listed by the most Progressive Social forces for daring to perform "Undisclosed Satire" despite her activist record of getting busted and beaten down for standing up for Workers and Squatters of all races, lifestyles and persuasions. So let me preface today's lead article from THE ONION as disclosed SATIRE AHEAD:

Habitat For Humanity Investigated For Working Conditions After 92-Year-Old Laborer Collapses On Site

"WASHINGTON—Responding to an unsettling incident that has raised concerns about worker exploitation within the organization, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced Friday it was launching an investigation into working conditions within Habitat for Humanity after a 92-year-old laborer reportedly collapsed on a job site yesterday. “According to the shocking and disturbing reports we have received, it appears that an elderly man in his 90s—who was observed to be exceedingly thin and frail—was being used as a manual laborer at a residential construction site, where he eventually succumbed to exhaustion and dehydration,” said agency spokesperson Jillian Rogers, adding that authorities were “sickened” to discover records showing that the nonagenarian laborer had been performing blue-collar work for the organization for over 30 years, and had been transported from one construction project to another—sometimes internationally—without any compensation. “This man appears to have had minor farming and public service experience, but no serious construction training. Nevertheless, this organization continued to rely on him to perform a variety of carpentry, masonry, and roofing duties despite his advanced age and limited physical abilities. We’re glad this came to our attention before it was too late for this unfortunate senior citizen.” At press time, witnesses reported seeing the gaunt old man being forced onto a plane to go dig wells and lay pipe at a rural African project site just hours after being released from the hospital."

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Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Shifters
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa
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