Joseph Gallivan interviews ERIN BOBERG DOUGHTON and ROYA AMIRSOLEYMANI about the second half of T:BA 17.



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Air date: 
Tue, 09/12/2017 - 11:30am to 12:00pm
Joseph Gallivan interviews ERIN BOBERG DOUGHTON and ROYA AMIRSOLEYMANI about the second half of T:BA 17.

On Tuesday Sept 12, 2017, Joseph Gallivan interviews ERIN BOBERG DOUGHTON and ROYA AMIRSOLEYMANI [pronounced ameer-sollay-monny] of the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art about the second half of T:BA 17. The annual time-based art festival runs from September 7 to 17th this year. This is the second of two shows previewing the must-see shows of T:BA17. Recorded at KBOO studio #1 on Aug 26 2017. Joseph Gallivan has been a reporter since 1990. He has covered music for the London Independent, Technology for the New York Post, and arts and culture for the Portland Tribune, where he is currently the Business Reporter. He is the author of two novels, "Oi, Ref!" and "England All Over" which are available on [email protected]

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