Host Ken Jones talks with Paul Cohen, author of the novel The Glamshack, Paul's first book and the first publication from independent press 7.13 Books. The novel was nominated for a Pushcart Press Editor’s Book Award, and was included in the “Most Anticipated Small Press Books of 2017” list from the literary website “Big Other”.
Paul’s short fiction has appeared in Tin House, Five Chapters, Hypertext, and Eleven Eleven. He’s won the Prairie Lights Prize for Fiction, received an Honorable Mention in the Glimmer Train Spring 2017 Fiction Open Contest, and was a finalist in a Black Warrior Review Fiction Contest. Paul’s current project, a novel-in-progress The Sleeping Indian, was named a finalist for the 2016 Big Moose Prize from Black Lawrence Press. His nonfiction has seen print in the New York Times Magazine, Details, Village Voice, and Christian Science Monitor.
James Salter writes of Paul’s work, “There is a powerful, innate tension in his writing which comes not only from his voice, but from his particular way of looking at things, an unusual way, and in art -- in fiction -- the only real worlds are likely to be the unusual.”