Pruning peaches, planting peas



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Air date: 
Wed, 03/14/2018 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
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Why prune peaches now? What are your choices for peas? The Dirtbag tells all.

Host Glen Andresen and guest Jim Gilbert pruning peaches and nectarines now…and why that is prefered to pruning them when they are dormant. Plus, the Home Orchard Society's big spring event, the Fruit Propagation Fair is Sunday, March 18; we'll tell you what to expect.  And Jim will tell you how to bud (graft) citrus.

As always, we'll answer your gardening questions, have a new Plant of the Month (peas), define our Dirtbag Dictionary words (leaf curl, and other fungal diseases), quiz you with a new Garden Stumper, and fill you in on what's going on at Jim's farm and in the honey bee hive this month.

The Dirtbag... Listen. Laugh. Learn.

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