Host Dab Steadman talks with Julie Wittman about her experience as a “compassionate traveler” and how she helped a local rescue group save a starving street dog in Mexico and then transport her to Portland to find her a loving home in Oregon.
Julie is a certified pet masseuse and will also discuss the benefits of massage therapy for our pets.
For more information about either topic, see the links below…or you can contact Julie at:
Rescue Faerie (Cabo) https://www.rescuefaerie.org/
Tails of Mexico (arranges transporation from Mexico to USA and Canada) https://www.facebook.com/CompanionsandCompassion/
Alvaro's Friends https://www.facebook.com/Alvaros-Friends-305467763319907
Street Dog Hero (in Bend, OR) https://streetdoghero.org/