Oregon State Auditors Office Speaks on the DHS Child Welfare Audit



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Air date: 
Wed, 04/11/2018 - 5:00pm to 5:45pm
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Kip Memmott and Jamie Ralls from the Secretary of States Office Talk with KBOO



The State of Oregon Auditing Office came out last January with a damning report on the health of the DHS and Child Welfare System. The thorough and educational report detailed a system wasting about $76 million dollars combined in law suit pay outs, system overhauls and programming. It also detailed a decentralized culture with an overplaced value on autonomy where screening processes fell short and everyone from CPS workers, caseworkers and foster parents are over worked and under supported.

KBOO’s Evening  News and Public Affairs Director, Zelos Marchandt spoke with Kip Memmot- the Audit Director from the Secretary of States Office and Jamie Ralls, Audit Manager to find out how, in light of the Hart case, the welfare system can do better. 

*Editors Note: At the end of the interview Zeloszelos Marchandt refers to the auditing office as the unsung angels behind state government concerning the welfare audit. Kip Memmott and Jamie Ralls would like KBOO's audience and community at large to know that those foster parents, case workers and other passionate people working to help children and reform the system are the real angels.

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