Ben Fountain stopped by the podcast to talk with us on his visits to Haiti, his inspiration for his award winning book "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk", and his time following candidates in the 2016 election, which became the subject of his new book "Beautiful Country Burn Again".
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A special thanks to our honorary producers Matthew Hoh, Will Ahrens, and Gage Counts!! Without you guys, we couldn't continue our work. Thank you so much!!!
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FOH is hosted, written, and produced by Chris 'Henri' Henrikson and Danny Sjursen
Intro / outro music "Fortress on a hill" written and performed by Clifton Hicks. Be sure to check out Clifton's Bandcamp page and Clifton's Patreon page
Cover and website art designed by Brian K. Wyatt Jr. of B-EZ Graphix Multimedia Marketing Agency in Tallehassee, FL
Note: The views expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts alone, expressed in an unofficial capacity, and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.