Dean Spade at the Queer Radical Past Conference; and Penny Arcade returns to Portland



Hosted by: 
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Air date: 
Tue, 11/27/2018 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Today, we'll hear a talk by Dean Spade, Seattle-based acivist, writer, attorney, and organizer. Dean gave this talk as part of the Queer Radical Past conference at Amherst in February. Dean discusses solidarity across identities and across borders; the non-profit industry; Israeli pinkwashing; and competing aims of queer politics. 


Next, we'll talk with former KBOO host and current staff attorney with Lambda Legal, Sasha Buchert, in our new segment, 'Tell Us About the Law, Sasha.'  


We'll wrap up the hour with a chat with performance artist Penny Arcade. Penny returns to Portland this week, courtesy of Boom Arts Productions. 


Conceived, Written, and Performed by Penny Arcade 
Designed and Directed by Steve Zehentner and Penny Arcade
November 29-December 1, 2018
Venue: Imago Theatre, 17 SE 8th Ave, Portland

  • November 29—The Faghag and Her Friends in the Summer of Love (work-in-progress) - 7:30pm
  • November 30—Longing Lasts Longer - 7:30pm
  • December 1—Longing Lasts Longer* - 7pm 
  • & The Girl Who Knew Too Much (work-in-progress)* - 9pm

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