The Abe and Joe Talk Radio Show on 03/31/20



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Air date: 
Tue, 03/31/2020 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Call-in Talk Radio
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CNN had nearly 1/2 hour day before yesterday to interview Governor Cuomo on the lack of preparedness of the state's hospitals and healthcare system in dealing with the current Public Health crisis. No questions about Governor Cuomo's long record extending back to his terms as Attorney General of NY state and before that his seat in the House of Clinton's cabinet as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ignoring the Public Health National Security Threat of Homelessness and Public Hospital-lessness.

Down the Memory Hole for Abe & Joe's worship of Governor Cuomo's charisma in his heated replies to the Presidential Symptom in Chief on DEMOCRACY NOW a week ago as Juan Gonzalez and Amy Goodman sourced Jacobi Public Hospital in the Bronx's staff nurses Sean Petty and Kelly Cabrera:

DEMOCRACY NOW informed us on March 25, 2020 last week immediately before another Abe & Joe Idiot's Fest on KBOO Community Radio, with little amplification or digging by other journalists, that Cuomo's record in office before this Public Health National Security Threat surfaced:

"I would call Gov. Cuomo the single most important person in New York State in the drive to close hospital beds in this state over the last 20 years.... (Sean Petty, registered nurse in the pediatric emergency room of Jacobi Hospital in the Bronx. He’s a member of the board of directors of the New York State Nurses Association). "

Simple online search of that record of the NY State Governor in office would show that the NY TIMES reported in 2011 report by Anemona Hartcollis's reports from community and religious leader resistance to the Governor's Neo-Liberal E-CONomic plans to fast-track closure of NY hospitals and taking out of availability especially NY City hospital beds:

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters and Shifters
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa
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