Denise Morris hosts this episode of the old mole and includes,
Race, the Military and the Police: Bill Resnick interviews David Cortright, warrior for peace, writer and Vietnam war Veteran. David wrote the classic book Soldiers in Revolt on the organizing and achievements of the GI anti-war movement. They discuss Trump’s ordering the U.S. military into U.S. cities including Portland to "dominate the streets" and clear out the George Floyd insurgency demonstrators that he described as looters vandals and terrorists.
Roe v. Wade: Jan Haaken talks with Sarah Prager, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Washington about two recent Supreme Court decisions on reproductive health care and what those rulings say about our current political climate. Dr. Prager is Director of the Fellowship in Complex Family Planning and an abortion provider at the University of Washington and at the Cedar River Clinics. She is a featured provider in "Our Bodies Our Doctors," a documentary film on the work of abortion providers.
Racial Capitalism: From The archive we hear Clayton Morgareidge's January 2019 commentary White Supremacy and Capitalism: twin evils. “Martin Luther King Jr. famously declared the trifecta of racism, militarism and capitalism as the great problem facing humanity. Old Mole Clayton Morgareidge considers two of those, capitalism and racism, and how as dominant power structures they came to be through each other.” Clayton Morgareidge was a member of the Old Mole Collective for over 20 years. He passed away this year in February.
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