Please join us on Wednesday, September 25th at 11am on Radiozine for an interview with Ian Brennan about his new book, "Missing Music: Voices from Where the Dirt Roads End". In a compact and quick-read format, Missing Music collects the latest narratives from Brennan's field-recording treks. This edition features a greater emphasis on storytelling and an even greater abundance of photos from his wife, Italian-Rwandan, photographer/filmmaker, Marilena Umuhoza Delli. Together, they meet the elderly shamans of the world's most musical language, Taa, a tongue which sadly is dying due to there being less than 2,500 speakers left. The duo traveled the most remote roads of Botswana to find the formally nomadic people now relegated to small desert towns. In Azerbaijan, Brennan and Delli ascended to the mountainous Iranian border to record centenarians in scattered villages of the Talysh minority. The result is the only record ever released to feature the voices of singers over one-hundred years of age. Amongst other tales, Brennan also updates the saga of the Sheltered Workshop Singers following COVID, including the tragic deterioration of his sister, Jane. Arising from the more than forty records that Brennan has produced over the past decade from underrepresented nations such as Comoros, Djibouti, Romania, South Sudan, Suriname, and Cambodia, Missing Music serves as the newest suite in the multi-verse symphony of the world's most ignored corners — the places where countries expire and the "forgotten" live. Brennan has a book reading at Powell's on Sunday, September 29th at 3pm.