Voices from the Edge on 05-31-12 Can we break through polarization about climate change?



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Thu, 05/31/2012 - 12:00am
Can we break through polarization about climate change?

Can we break through polarization about climate change? A conversation with Max and Ellen Schupbach about deep democracy

Climate change remains a political lightening rod that's left those who believe and those who deny it exists locked in a stalemate that makes action by the broader community impossible. Are more facts needed or is there a need for examining the process by which we address and act upon such critical issues? How do we move forward where power is distributed unequally among those involved?

This week, Jo Ann and Dave talk with Dr. Max Schupbach and Dr. Ellen Schupbach of the Deep Democracy Institute about how we can open up a deeper level of discourse that allows for dissent, action and community building. The Schupbachs have brought their perspective and skills in deepening democracy to such varied settings as community-building efforts with Croation and Serbian war refugees, and the use of public space by businesses, "punks," and others community members in Zurich. They are organizers of an Open Forum on Climate Change taking place in Portland June 1-3 that includes a June 2 community discussion at the Oregon Convention Center facilitated by Worldwork and Process Work founders Drs. Arnold and Amy Mindell.

Jo Ann Hardesty is a former state legislator, former director of Oregon Action and past board president of Portland Community Media, as well as a long-time leader in the struggle for racial and economic justice. Dave Mazza is a journalist and former editor of The Portland Alliance who has covered and been involved in Portland's civil rights, environmental, labor and peace movements for over 20 years.

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Co-Hosts: Jo Ann Hardesty and Dave Mazza

Producers: Dave Mazza and Jo Ann Hardesty

Program Engineer: Steve Nassar

Audio Editor: Alicia Olson

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