The Old Mole Variety Hour for December 14, 2015



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Air date: 
Mon, 12/14/2015 - 12:00am
Progressive organizing and assessing the Paris climate talks
Tom Becker hosts this edition of the Mole focusing on progressive organizing and assessing the outcome of the COP21 Climate Conference just concluded in Paris. To hear the whole show, use the play button below. For individual segments, follow these links. 

1.  Shena Elrington of the Center for Popular Democracy talks with the Old Mole's Laurie Mercier about what progressives can do at the local level.

2.  Tod Sloan reads from Chris Crass's book Towards Collective Liberation.

3.  Author and climate activist Tom Athanasiou talks with the Old Mole's Bill Resnick about how much was achieved at the Paris climate talks.

4.  Tom Becker reads from and article by Dave Lindorff about how little was achieved at the Paris climate talks.

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