According to the United States Center for Disease Control, it is currently estimated that about 1 – 1.3 million people suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Known as IBD this disease involves chronic inflammation of all or part of the digestive tract. IBD primarily includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, potentially debilitating conditions. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a chronic condition that also affects the digestive tract and is often unrecognized or untreated, with as few as 25% of IBS sufferers seeking professional health care.
Today we are speaking with Dr. Edie Vickers, naturopathic physican and licensed acupuncturist on IBD, IBS and the naturopathic and Chinese medicine approach to treating these health problems. She will be moderating a panel on research and remedies to treat gut diseases this coming Saturday, October 15th at the Gut Instinct Conference, a consumer conference on gut health, taking place at the Cerimon House in NE Portland. Dr. Vickers is Director of the An Hao Natural Health Clinic in NW Portland. Her practice focuses on women's health, immune disorders, cancer, and chronic diseases. Dr. Vickers uses acupuncture, Chinese herbs, hydrotherapy, injection therapy, diet, and nutritional supplements to assist her patients in achieving better health and balance. She holds degrees from the University of Toronto, the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, and the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. In addition to her long time practice, she also is an educator teaching Chinese medicine students and as a NUNM Supervising Physician to naturopathic and Chinese medicine interns.