KBOO is a proud co-sponsor of EcoNvergence:
A Northwest Gathering on the Economic and Ecological Crises - October 2nd through 4th
Featuring world-renowned linguist and social critic Noam Chomsky
Hear what our nation’s leading thinkers have to say about the current environmental and economic crises … and learn how you can bring about positive change within your community.
Speakers include:
Derrick Jensen Mark Weisbrot Barbara Dudley
Eric Holt-Giménez Barbara Garson David Korten
Jo Ann Bowman Danny Schechter Veronica Dujon
Join these and many other national and regional leaders at the First Unitarian Church of Portland and Portland State University’s Smith Memorial Union for this discussion of critical importance.
Please visit www.econvergence.org for complete details, or contact [email protected] with your questions or comments.