The concept of framing in politics was introduced over a decade ago by George
Lakoff, but cognitive scientist Elisabeth Wehling feels that frames are still
misunderstood and that much of her work "still consists of explaining what
political framing is at all. There are t...
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Sky-rocketing rents are especially hard on the elderly many of whom rely on
Section 8 housing vouchers and Social Security. Meanwhile, Trump's budget
proposals are creating uncertainty for federal and local agencies. What
strategies to keep the elderly housed are being e...
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Offering to everyone, free of any conditions, an income that would provide
for a basic living, is an idea that has been gaining momentum all over the
world. Why is it being supported? How would it work? Where is it happening?
Tune in to hear from Jenna Van Draanen who work...
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What does industrial agriculture have to do with the air that we breathe?
Plenty, according to author and environmentalist John Roulac. Stripping
carbon from soil results in ocean acidification, which combined with runoff
of aricultural pollutants, has contributed to a 40 ...
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Why do we conserve and protect land and nature? -- to enjoy recreational
benefits? for clean water and air? for the Rights of Nature? to stop
extinctions? (Biologist EO Wilson says if 50% of the Earth were under
protection, mass extinctions would stabilize at 80%.) In ...
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In her latest book, psychologist and educator Susan Engel describes how
educational goals have become dominated by a fixation on earnings potential
and she demonstrates how this economic framework has had a profound impact
not only on the way we think about education but...
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Soul River Runs Wild is a non-profit that teams inner city youth and US
military veterans, introduces them to the joys of fishing and camping,
provides outdoor educational experiences, and fosters healing and
connection. Founder Chad Brown is a veteran who was diagnosed...
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Nearly 100% of climate scientists report that climate change is happening and
happening because of human activity, but the public consensus on climate
change is still split about 50-50. Denial continues to be persistant and
pervasive, as deniers cite "zombie sceptic theo...
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In a talk titled after his book, "The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is
Possible" Charles Eisenstein spoke about the the deep mythology of our
culture changing from a Story of Separation to a Story of Interbeing. This
new (and ancient) mythology is what unites the ...
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