


"Look at us." John Trudell

  At times they were kind, they were polite in their sophistication, smiling but never too loudly acting in a civilized manner an illusion of gentleness always fighting to get their way. while the people see, the people know, the people wait, the people say the closing o... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 09/16/2010

Airs at: Thu, 09/16/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
div { margin: 0px; } Who should be Multnomah County's next District 2 Commissioner? A candidate debate with Karol Collymore and Loretta Smith Providing essential social services in a time of growing demand, replacing the Sellwood Bridge, competing with Portland for scar... Read more

The Story Behind Shark's Fin Soup; Grand Central Bakery's Piper Davis

Airs at: Wed, 09/15/2010 at 11:00am - 12:00pm
Produced for Food Show
  The Food Show is back after our summer hiatus!   First, we look at the local (and international) controversy over shark's fin soup. Researchers estimate that as many as 73 million sharks are slaughtered each year for their fins. We have two in-studio guests. Portland ... Read more

The D - US Social Forum 2010

Airs at: Wed, 07/21/2010 at 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Circle A Radio
This June, the US Social Forum took place in Detroit, Michigan.  Circle A Radio brings you audio from this massive convergence of movement elders, social justice activists, and community organizers from all over the United States and the World! This program features Sophia... Read more

Left and the Law: Violence, Drugs and Mexico

Airs at: Wed, 09/15/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Jan Haaken talks with Mike Snedecker, an appellate lawyer, in another installment of the Left and the Law. Today they discuss violence near the Mexican border and portrayals of this violence in the United States as simply a Mexican problem. Fueling the violence are U.S. fo... Read more

Well Read Red: Economic Growth Does Not Mitigate Poverty or Inequality

Airs at: Wed, 09/15/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Well Read Red, Tom Becker, draws on two articles* to connect the ideology of economic growth with growing poverty/unemployment and growing concentration of wealth. *Dave Lindorf's "Obama's Rose-Colored Glasses: Growth Has Little To Do With Jobs or Reducing Poverty" *David ... Read more

Decentralized Energy

Airs at: Wed, 09/15/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Bill Resnick talks with Koyla Abramsky about the social forces shaping the development of new energy resources and the direction that collective action vs. corporate interests can take this development. Kolya is a former secretariat of the World Wind Energy Institute. He is... Read more

Promises Made--That Will be Kept

Promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep. When I ran for the KBOO Board in 2000, and recently was voted unanimously to serve on the present KBOO Board, I made promises that I intended and still intend to keep. My platform then in 2000 was the same as the recent one in... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour September 13th

Airs at: Tue, 09/14/2010 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
  Tom Becker hosts today's show which looks at  legal complicity in the drug-war, de-centralized energy production, why the rich are faring so well during the crisis, and the new Michael Cera film, "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World." Below are links to individual segments (forth... Read more

The Importance of Voting the Mid-Terms - and - How ELSE can we deal with our Current Government Mess?

Airs at: Tue, 09/14/2010 at 12:00am
 Hosted by Joe Uris.  Abe Proctor is on Vacation. Today, Joe offers up to following conundrum:  Mid-Term Elections are Extremely Important, yet they are traditionally some of the least attended.  Why are they so important, and How can we fix that?!? Barring The Vote, what ot... Read more