


People versus Chevron in Richmond

Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Bill Resnick talks with with Steve Early about his new book about Richmond, California: Refinery Town: Big Oil, Big Money, and the Remaking of an American City. They’ll discuss how the Progressive Alliance has worked over the years to get a majority on the city council, and... Read more

An Indigenous Economic Model: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

Airs at: Tue, 03/14/2017 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Alternative Radio
  The existing economic system in most countries is a kind of state capitalism. It produces enormous inequalities. Its extraction practices are environmentally destructive. Perhaps indigenous models provide a viable alternative. Chief Seattle was a Susquamish chief in what... Read more

The War on Science

Airs at: Mon, 03/13/2017 at 10:15am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
The Trump administration has launched an all-out war on independent science, environmental safeguards, and facts. Leading this attack on science are industry insiders who now occupy positions of power at the EPA, Department of Energy, and other critical federal agencies. In... Read more

Living in the Maelstrom of the First 100 Days

Airs at: Fri, 03/10/2017 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Positively Revolting
Just before the inauguration, we were able to talk with Linda Tirado, author of Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America. During the interview, she suggested that it would be important for people to keep truth diaries, so we will notice when goalposts get moved, and have ... Read more

Lincoln County Aerial Spray Ban Measure on May Ballot

Airs at: Thu, 03/09/2017 at 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Produced for Evening News
A group in Lincoln County, Oregon, has put a measure on the May ballot that would ban aerial spraying of pesticides and herbicides. Lincoln County Community Rights wrote Measure 21-177, which also includes language reinforcing the rights of the community—that is, Lincoln Co... Read more

Sacred Community and Social Transformation

Airs at: Fri, 03/10/2017 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Beloved Community
Deshna Ubeda is the director of Progressive Christianity Dot Org.  She is directing The Embrace Festival, May, 4, 5, and 6 in Portland.  Similar to Burning Man, Beloved, and Wild Goose, the Embrace Festival will feature presentations, art, music, dance, community and food f... Read more

45 Days of Madness (and Counting)

Airs at: Mon, 03/06/2017 at 10:15am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
It's been a rocky and rolling six weeks since we talked with George Polisner, a former senior executive at Oracle who very publicly resigned from the company after its CEO enthusiastically joined the Trump transition team in January. Since quitting Oracle George has devoted... Read more

Street Trust and State Money

Airs at: Wed, 03/01/2017 at 11:00am - 12:00pm
Produced for The Bike Show
This month on the KBOO Bike Show we'll be hosting some old friends with a new identity (and mission). Formerly the Bicycle Transportation Alliance the newly minted "Street Trust" has expanded their vision to include pedestrians and transit. But what does that mean for bikes... Read more

Columbia Riverkeeper First to Sue Scott Pruitt's EPA

Airs at: Thu, 02/23/2017 at 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Produced for Evening News
Columbia Riverkeeper is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for neglecting the decline of the salmon population in the Columbia and Snake Rivers. The decline is caused by temperature pollution, defined as a raise in temperatures partly influenced by climate change and... Read more

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Climate Victory

Airs at: Mon, 02/27/2017 at 10:15am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
Oregon is celebrated for its leadership on addressing climate change. This winter the Portland City Council unanimously approved a first-in-the-country ban on new bulk fossil fuel storage facilities that exceed two million gallons as well as the expansion of existing termin... Read more